We the writers behind the PHANTOM WRITERS project would like to introduce you to our many other domains as well:
Bill Platt - Owner
Windstorm Computing
AV Cabling-Guide
Niche Content Finder
Content Management and Distribution News
Byte-Sized Marketing Tips
Victoria Ries
Victoria's Book Proposal
Freelance Writers
Are you a publisher of an ezine, newsletter or website? If so, have you
ever noticed how hard it is to find quality content to place into your site, ezine
or newsletter?
When I first started on the web, this was a common problem for me. Finding
good content is not a problem for me anymore.
I have built my business around helping my clients get their content
out into the vast world wide web. In helping my clients get their free
reprint articles distributed, I had to uncover the various methods of
distributing articles. In doing so, I have located the following resources
that can be used by anyone to distribute articles, and more this the point
in this forum, for publishers and webmasters to find top-notch content for
their publications and for their websites.
Each distributed article contains special terms of reprint rules. Please
adhere to these instructions. The author of the work is giving you permission
to reprint his or her work on the condition that you follow the rules he or
she has added to their article.
In all cases, you must include the Resource
Box (the portion at the bottom of the article that tells about the author)
and you must hyperlink the URL's in the Resource Box. This is very important.
If you fail to honor the stated terms of reprint attached to an article,
then you will be using the content illegally!
Yes, the articles that you can acquire for publication through the
avenues listed below do in fact suggest that they are "free reprint"
articles. Yet, the terms of reprint defines the true nature of "free."
Generally, "free reprint" is defined as without financial cost, ie. no
money to change hands. Despite the description of "free," free-reprint
articles are not provided to you without a cost. The cost for publishing
a free reprint article is outlined in the terms of reprint.
Your actual cost of using this content is to provide hyperlinks for all
URL's, to not make changes to the article, AND most importantly, to
include the author's Resource Box whenever you publish an article. As
a courtesy, you should also contact the author and notify them of the
publication of their article.
What it boils down to is this. The author has taken the time and effort
to create this article for the sole purpose of promoting his or her
own business. The author's only payment for his or her work is to have
their advertisement (Resource Box) placed in your publication or website.
The content is being provided by the author with the express hope that
they might be able to generate income from the sale of their products
or services also.
We assume that the reason you are seeking the content in the first place
is for the promotion of your own business, and your intended hope in
using the content is to generate sales in your own business. There are
enough dollars to go around. You will benefit from the use of the content
and you may sell some goods and services to the people who have read the
content you have used. And the author will hopefully benefit also from
the sale of his or her own products and services.
Do right by the article's author, and they will do right by you. Both
you and the author will benefit from the use of these articles, because
both of you will be able to use the content to direct traffic and potential
customers to your own online storefronts, and then hopefully directly to
your shopping carts.
Let's face it, you need the content that the author has created and the
author needs for you to publish it. It is a clear cut case of "I'll
scratch your back if you scratch mine."
Okay, enough ramblings from me. Let's get on to the meat of this website.
Below you will find a list of article announcement groups where you can
receive articles for reprint by email, and you will also find website
archives where you can actively search for articles that you can use.
If you need help converting the articles you want to use from a TEXT FORMAT
to a HTML FORMAT, then use the FREE TPW Text-to-HTML Converter Tool.
(This link will open into a new window.)
Here you go:
Article Announcement Lists - These are gathering places for Publishers,
Editors, Webmasters and Authors.
The Free Ezine Content
List at Topica - Email Sub
Free-Reprint Articles
List at Topica - Email Sub
Free-Reprint Articles
List at YahooGroups - Email Sub
Free-Reprint Articles
List at SmartGroups - Email Sub
List at YahooGroups - Email Sub
Quality Checked Reprint Articles
List at YahooGroups - Email Sub
Article Archive Sites - These sites each contain dozens or hundreds
of articles
available for Free-Reprint in your ezine, newsletter, off-line publication,
webzine or website.
Windstorm Computing Free Articles Archive - You will find more non-computing
articles here, than you will find computing articles.
Phantom Writers Free Articles Archive - You will find hundreds of articles
on dozens of subjects here. thePhantomWriters.com is a service that provides
ghost writers to online marketers to develop articles for the promotion
of their businesses. All articles written for our clients will be written
by our writers and be attributed to our clients so they can promote their
thePhantomWriters archive includes:
1. Articles written by our writers for our clients.
2. Articles written by our writers for promotion of themselves.
3. Articles not written by our writers, but distributed for other writers,
through our very affordable and effective
article distribution services. With our service, you can rest
assured that your article will be delivered to more than 6000 ezine
publishers and webmasters searching for valuable content.
Suppose I don't have the articles you are looking for, then what?
Good News. There are many other places you can go to find quality articles on a
wide range of subjects. Here is a list of those places:
Article Announcement Lists - These are more gathering places for Publishers,
Editors, Webmasters and Authors. Whereas all of my Article Announce Lists accept
articles on any subject, most of those listed here are specific to a category, so
please be certain to read the guidelines for each one:
AA Business at YahooGroups Business Articles Only
AA General at YahooGroups All Subjects
AA Health at YahooGroups Health Related Articles Only
AA Home at YahooGroups Articles about Home Life
AA Internet at YahooGroups Internet Related Content Only
Ezine Zone at YahooGroups All Topics
Article Announce at YahooGroups All Submissions
GH-Content Announce at YahooGroups All Submissions
Free Content at YahooGroups All Contnet
Political Thoughts at YahooGroups Political Articles Only
Publisher Network at YahooGroups All Content
Electronic Press Releases at YahooGroups Self Explanatory
E-Release at YahooGroups Electronic Press Releases Only
Free Reprint Recipes at YahooGroups Recipes Only
Free eContent at YahooGroups All Subjects
Free Content 4 WAHMs at YahooGroups Articles for Work-at-Home-Mom's
Health Related Content at YahooGroups Self Explanatory
Write Announce at YahooGroups Articles for and about Writing
Ebook Press Releases at YahooGroups Press Releases about Ebooks
Article Archive Sites - These sites each contain hundreds of articles
available for Free-Reprint in your ezine, newsletter, off-line publication,
webzine or website.
Lions International
- New Article Archive as of October 2003.
Marketing Seek - This site archives
archives articles only on the topics of business and marketing.
Ebooks n Bytes - This site only
accepts eBook Publishing & Marketing Articles.
EZ Ad Success - This site
accepts content on all subjects and topic materials.
Family Content - This site
accepts articles concerning family, parenting, self-improvement and
home issues. Marketing and business articles of a general nature that
are not specifically targeted to the interests of work-at-home parents
may not be approved.
Zongoo - This site
accepts articles on a wide variety of topics.
If you are aware of a list or a site that is missing from this list, please
let me know by sending an email to:
bplatt @ thePhantomWriters.com
(If you copy and paste this email address, be sure to remove the spaces. I have done
this only in an effort to reduce spam.)
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